Thursday, February 8, 2018

Asking yourself WHY????

Have you ever been caught asking yourself why you did something? Why did you date that person, why did you change your hair color to that? Why did you get that loan? Why did you do that? I have these inner monologues with myself all the time and I question myself and some of the choices I have made about so many things. After I ask myself the question of why I always answer it. Now I know what you’re thinking…. When you answer your own question, you might be crazy. So, I guess I’m crazy because I’m always answering my own questions. And why do I answer my own question…hell because I wanna know the answers to them that’s why. Ask yourself how many times have you asked your self a question and out of all those question how many have you answered? And not just a bull crap answer a real answer something you would say to someone else? My life if full of questions and answer sometime its simple and other times not so much. But I at least try to give an answer even when it seems like there is none.

Something like the beginning

So, I’m starting a blog! AHHHHHHHHHHH😨…What will I write about? How will I start it? Who will read it? I have soooo many ideas and I thought why don’t I just write about ME. I mean everyone has one thing they know better than anything else which is them! Have you ever meet someone for the first time and go through the pleasantries? How are you doing? What’s your name? What do you do? Do you have any kids…blah blah blah blah.

So, to be nice you let them go 1st and watch them go into this soliloquy about themselves and all the awesome things they did and awesome things they are doing and how great they are…. meanwhile you are rolling your eyes on the inside and giving the “OH I really care about your story face” with a slight grin and pressed lips.
 It’s like they are trying to sell you on how awesome they are or compete with you in this game of who is better in life me or you? But for a moment you get sucked in to their story and think man this person is awesome, and I suck in comparison, but you quickly snap out of it when they ask you THE most important question and they only thing you really care about…... SO what about you??

So, you sit up straight and put your shoulders back (and if you’re a little ratchet like me you give a strong solid thot pop) and GO IN honeyT. You are telling your story like you are the SHIT and giving all kinds of hand movements and all kind of body gestures and for a moment you get caught up in your own story and think damn I’m awesome. And thinking to yourself Okay now, GO YOU, yup you did that… or at least I do.

Giving the chance to talk about yourself you could go on and on and I’m sure you can fill a book. Talking about your self is something everyone can do and do well. Personally, I love talking about me because I think I’m kind of awesome but that’s just my own person thoughts on that matter. Any who in my personal dealing with people and growing through the initial awkward and weird “get to know you” faze I have been told by a few people that I have an interesting life or at least interesting stories that I tell people.

So, I figure why not share them. Now I don’t claim to be a Pulitzer prize writer or have won a National book award or anything like that heck if anything I’m a horrible speller and I have shitty grammar (so don’t drag me in the comments when you see missing periods extra periods or none). BUT one thing I do have are stories for DAYS!! I thought long and hard about what should I write about what will be my 1st blog? And I thought that I would write about how I found out my families biggest secret and oh it’s a juicy one…. which will have to be in my next blog, so I guess this was my 1st blog…your welcome. Come back now and let’s go on this adventure of Miss.Carter the original.


How do you show and command respect at the same damn time? I have this issue and not a clue how to fix it. I'm adopted and I have 12 ...